Monday, December 1, 2008

"Puppies"--Marguerite Gode

These are just lesson plan ideas. To create a lesson plan, refer to How to Write a Lesson Plan

Active Movement
Have the student circle the way that puppies move in their copies of their poem, and then demonstrate their interpretations of the actions. Make a poster of different animals that perform the movements of puppies (worms for squirmy, etc.).

Word Play
Fold a piece of paper for two columns. List some unconventional words in the poem in one column. In the second, “correct” the word (or phrase) as necessary. On the other side, start with some plain words that describe puppies, their actions, or their interactions in the first column, and then construct new words by combining two (like wag and wiggle into waggle) or by adding unexpected endings (like –ing on pranks).

Puppy training
Scoldings and spankings sound like good things to get away from, but they are necessary to have good, mindful dogs when they grow up. Witness a puppy class, or read some books about dog training. Discuss how puppy discipline leads to good, cuddly dogs.

Puppy paws, fur, tails, teeth, eyes, ears and nose are all unique. Look at how a dog’s nose works, what happens when their teeth fall out, and why their ears are floppy. Learn what a tail is good for, and why they have fur.

Photo journalism
It’s one thing to read a poem and imagine a puppy acting this way, and another to watch and record them. Take a field trip to several locations where puppies can be found, like a dog show, the humane society, a dog park , or a friend’s house. Shoot pictures of puppies in various activities, and publish them on the printer. Have the student add a caption (use a newspaper or magazine for a guide) for each photo, describing character, movement, location, or some other memorabilia.

Arts and Crafts
Now that you have looked at lots of pups and studied their features, make some puppies. Craft ideas include puppets, clay, pin-the-tail games, drawings with 3d embellishments.

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